MTL USA Academy

Free virtual mechanical and electromechanical training classes

Schedule your training by clicking "Register"

All online training classes listed here are scheduled to be between 30 and 60 minutes and will be noted in the description.


IMPORTANT - You will receive a confirmation email upon completing registration. If you don't see it in your inbox, please check your "junk" folder.

The email contains your personal login link to the online training. Allow emails from Please login a few minutes before training begins.


Mul-T-Lock Academy will present a new online training schedule to offer a variety of solutions in electro-mechanical and mechanical products for projects.

Our sessions are designed for Locksmiths, Distributors, Architects, Specification Writers, Real-Estate Property Managers and anyone involved in the construction field.


Mul-T-Lock offers several solutions that can aid door and hardware professionals to succeed at their job. Our training classes aim to strengthen your access control security knowledge.

Please contact us at for questions.

Please Register today as spaces are limited!