High Quality, Cost Effective & Customizable Locking Solution
Master Key Systems (MKS) are smart, scalable and super- effective keying solutions wherein keys are configured to open a number of predefined entries, using different types of locking products and efficient planning. The MKS provide organizations with seamless access control while economizing on the number of keys in circulation.
Our MKS Design Tool and MASTERpiece software enable you to enjoy an unmatched technological product. Use the software to independently design, plan and develop your customer’s MKS like a pro. We can train you, cooperate with you, and even design the entire solution.
MKS are compatible with all of our patented high security locking solutions and designed to scale as your customer’s locking needs grow. A single mastered key unlocks all or selected doors, dramatically reducing the number of keys in circulation, enabling dynamic access control.
A master key system is a key plan where selected keys can open a number of predefined doors. These keys work with different types of door locks, cabinet locks, padlocks, etc., as long as the cylinder inside them is of the same keyway.
What is a master key?
In a Master Keyed system, a master key opens all the locks in the system although each lock also has its own unique key. This permits organizing master key systems along departmental or other functional lines to allow supervisory or emergency access.
What does a master key unlock?
Master keys make it possible to unlock multiple locks with one key. They allow you access to multiple doors in buildings and make it much easier on those needing access. A good example of how master keys work is found within an office building.
Mul-T-Lock® offers a wide range of master key solutions to address the varying needs of different business sectors and their unique environments.