BLOGMul-T-Lock Superhero - Ian Baker

Mul-T-Lock Superhero - Ian Baker

Introducing our Mul-T-Lock Superhero: Ian Baker



Ian Baker - Senior Marketing Executive

Meet Ian Baker, our Marketing Key Superhero.

The Best Marketing Strategy Every: Care

Ian Baker's innovative strategies and passion for our brand stories have been a driving force in connecting with our customers and expanding our reach. His creativity and dedication ensure that our message of security, support and reliability resonates far and wide. Join us in celebrating Ian's incredible contributions and commitment to excellence. 


Insight to Michell Sutton

Why do you like Mul-T-Lock?

Hands down, the people. Working with the Mul-T-Lock team, I've noticed how enthusiastic everyone is about their jobs. This devotion does not push everyone to seclusion; far from it. Instead, everyone is pleased to pause what they are doing and assist if and when they can, because we are all working towards the same objective. Aside from the dedication, the team simply gels. Working with the Mul-T-Lock staff is a delight, thanks to the general banter and surprise cakes (my waistband isn't happy). Not a day goes by that I don't crack a smile.


What’s your favourite product?

MTL300 Break Secure® 3XP. The way the lock functions, feels and sounds wonderful, so I fitted MTL300 Break Secure® 3XP cylinders throughout my home. The security it provides is a bonus: the sacrificial end, which breaks away in the event of cylinder manipulation, preventing attempted break-ins and requiring a key cutting card to be produced by approved locksmiths makes this cylinder my favourite Mul-T-Lock product. Also, I now only need one key to unlock my front door, back door, padlock, and garage, which significantly reduces the number of keys I carry around with me.

The NE/NG padlock range comes in a close second. Working well with MTL300 Break Secure® 3XP, the weight alone screams high security.


What is your Superpower? 

I would say my superpower is adaptability. Regardless of the situation or outcome, I have been able to analyse and take action to find a positive solution.


Thank you, Ian, for being a true superhero in marketing.

  • Mul-T-Lock

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