BLOGLadies who locksmith - Nikki Harrold

Ladies who locksmith - Nikki Harrold

Ladies who locksmith - Introducing Nikki Harrold from Harrolds Security Specialists

Introducing Nikki Harrold from Harrolds Security Specialists (a.k.a H. Harrolds & Sons LTD) as our latest ❝Ladies Who Locksmith.❞


As the fifth generation of the Harrold family to work for the company, which has celebrated its 105th anniversary this year, Nikki represents a proud legacy of security excellence and innovation.

H Harrold & Sons, a member of the Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) has embraced change and warmly welcomed women into the locksmithing industry.

Nikki strives to attain the best customer service with her extensive knowledge and dedication, she hopes to inspire future women locksmiths in our ever-evolving industry.



Women in Locksmithing Foundation Course

Learn the fundamentals of locksmithing.

This course is designed to help more women explore a career in locksmithing and enhance their skills. The course offers an opportunity for women considering a career as a locksmith or those already involved in the operations of locksmith companies, to master the fundamentals of locksmithing as well as connect with other women in the field.

DATE: 30th September - 1st October





Member Price: £620 incl. VAT

Non-Member Price: £685 incl. VAT



MLA HQ, Rugby

Join the MLAs exclusive Women in Locksmithing Facebook group for additional insights and community support! 

  • Mul-T-Lock

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