CUSTOMER CASEMul-T-Lock's MTL300 Enhances Staff Security on Offshore Oil Rig

Mul-T-Lock's MTL300 Enhances Staff Security on Offshore Oil Rig

Mul-T-Lock’s patented MTL300 has been selected to enhance security in an oil rig, presenting the ultimate patented protection and robust design to withstand the harsh offshore environment.

The stringent security demands of offshore oil and gas operations necessitate locking solutions that can withstand extreme conditions while providing maximum protection for personnel and their assets.

Recognising these critical requirements, whilst conducting a risk assessment, John Mutch Master Locksmith recommended Mul-T-Lock's MTL300 Scandinavian cylinders.  MTL300 is renowned for its advanced security against all forms of cylinder attack and proven reliability, even in situ in harsh environmental conditions.

Says John Mutch of John Mutch Master Locksmith: “Mul-T-Lock's MTL300 cylinders are engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions and corrosive elements commonly encountered in offshore environments, ensuring long-term reliability and performance. The cylinders' modular design facilitates easy installation and retrofitting, minimising downtime and disruption to operations, a crucial factor in the offshore industry's round-the-clock operations.”



Engineered with a robust design and tamper-resistant construction, the MTL300 cylinders offer superior resistance against forced entry, manipulation, and drilling attempts.

Featuring patented key control technology, the cylinders ensure that only authorised personnel have access to sensitive areas such as engineering accommodation and control rooms, enhancing overall security on offshore oil rigs.

Lee Mitchell, Mul-T-Lock Regional Sales Manager – North East and Scotland added: “In most cases, oil and gas platforms are a country’s most prized economically critical asset, the security of which is paramount. By being involved from the risk assessment phase, John Mutch Master Locksmith was able to create a bespoke specification, inclusive of Mul-T-Lock’s MTL300 solution to offer staff protection for their personnel belongings while they complete their essential work in the challenging conditions.”

By selecting Mul-T-Lock's MTL300 cylinders, John Mutch Master Locksmith demonstrates its commitment to delivering security solutions tailored to the unique needs of offshore oil and gas operations.

Together, Mul-T-Lock and John Mutch Master Locksmith are committed to enhancing security and safety in the offshore industry through innovation and expertise.

To learn more about Mul-T-Lock’s MTL300 solution, please visit: Mul-T-Lock MTL300

  • Utility
  • Mul-T-Lock

Company: John Mutch Master Locksmith  and UK Oil Rig

Location: Scotland

Products: MTL300 Scandinavian cylinders

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