SMARTair® Gives Kenyan Hotel 24/7 Access Control

The Challenge

The Creadex Hotel in Migori County, Kenya is located along the Kisii-Isibania Road, whichserves as a connecting point to the Masai Mara National Park. While the hotel provides arange of services, management is not present on a daily basis and runs the hotel remotelyon those days. As a result, the hotel wanted an access control solution that would ensurethe security of guests, allow for remote management of access, in addition to being ableto generate audit reports.

The Solution

SMARTair Guest uniquely addressed Creadex’s needs and more. As a cost effectiveaccess control system, that is easy to install and provides many operational and securitybenefits, it is ideal for small hotels, guesthouses and hostels. Replacing room keys witha robust smartcard based wireless access control system makes sound business sense– in particular for Creadex with management being off site several days a week.

“While guests enjoy the convenience, flexibility and security of the card-based access, Creadex benefits from cost and time savings through more streamlined and efficient administration,” commented Shay Ohaion, East & West Africa Distribution Manger, Mul-T-Lock. “In addition, SMARTair’s ability to provide accurate audit trails of who went where and when, makes onsite staff is more accountable, while management has more insight into daily activities at the hotel".

The Result

With SMARTair, management was able to continue operating the hotel without beingpresent at all times. They were able to improve both control of access, security andoperations. SMARTair’s ease of installation and use is especially advantageous in thehospitality industry where disruption of any kind can problematic.

  • Hospitality

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  • SMARTair®

    SMARTair®, Mul-T-Lock's user-friendly access control solution, upgrades your security to an entirely new level. All you do is mount SMARTair directly onto an existing mechanical lock - no wiring required!