Housing association masters control thanks to Mul-T-Lock

Mul-T-Lock’s high security Interactive+ Master Key System is helping Alpha Living to manage access across its residential developments, providing convenient and effective security solutions.

Alpha Living, a long-standing housing association committed to providing housing and services for older people, has more than 860 apartments in 11 local authorities across the North of England. Mul-T-Lock’s one-key locking solution was specified on 20 of Alpha’s developments.

The two-year project has seen the Mul-T-Lock team, together with Campbell and McGovern Locksmiths, deliver an access control system whereby each Development Manager can access every door with just one key throughout their building.

Managing residential properties, where the tenant may be vulnerable means that convenient and authorised access is critical to ensuring tenant safety. The Master Key System from Mul-T-Lock not only reduces the number keys in circulation, helping with cost savings and efficiencies, but it also ensures that an authorised Development Manager can access a tenanted property, as and when required.

Speaking on the project, Mul-T-Lock’s Simon Connor, said: “When we were asked to review the existing Master Key System at Alpha, it was clear that the previous system no longer met the needs of the Development Managers or residents. Our remit was to supply a scalable, restricted key system that combined security and convenience.

“Mul-T-Lock designed an Interactive+ patented Key System on a restricted key section. The system was designed to incorporate a Grand Master Key, multiple Sub Masters, each controlling different groups of locks across various sites, as well as offering a patented system, with a 10 year plus lifespan.


Master Key Systems are fully customisable and can scale up as a building’s use changes or grows


“This was to be a 2-year plan but thanks to our accurate delivery dates, the project will complete 7 months ahead of schedule.”

Dave Frodsham, Maintenance Co-Ordinator for Alpha Living, added: “The efficiency and organisation of the whole project is a big step forward or our Development Managers and myself the ease of use and access restrictions put in place, makes everything run smoothly.”

As well as adhering to the most stringent security standards, Master Key Systems from Mul-T-Lock are fully customisable and can scale up as a building’s use changes or grows. As Alpha Living have found, the range of products able to be master keyed is wide, varying from euro profile cylinders to camlocks, padlocks and many others. Plus building owners and managers can make use of MASTERpiece software – a strong planning tool to help overcome complex locking challenges.

  • Residential Care
  • MTL™600
  • Mul-T-Lock

Project: Alpha Living

Type: Housing Association

Location: England

Devices installed: MTL600

Related products

  • MTL600 (Interactive®+)

    Mul-T-Lock's MTL600 mechanical platform addresses High Security concerns while responding to functional needs.
    Building on four decades of extensive experience and MTL600 key platform's proven technology and global success, MTL600 utilizes patent technology for enhanced High Security.

    Available in all formats and product types, MTL600 key platform provides advanced High Security and protection with a single key that can fit into all products for real convenience.

    Using advanced technology, MTL600 combines an enhanced variation of the telescopic pin mechanism with a special patented floating element to meet the highest security standards.

    MTL600 Solution Benefits

    • Advanced Key Control - through unique coded Mul-T-Lock key card, only readable by authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.
    • Master Keying Options  - supporting complex operational and organizational needs.
    • Choice of Format - cylinders, padlocks, locks, electronic door solutions and more - one key fits them all.
    • Increased Security Effectiveness - via patented High Security technology: keys and telescopic pins.

    Advanced Key Control - through unique coded Mul-T-Lock key card, only readable by authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.

    MTL600 Solution Features

    • Comprehensive Key and Cylinder Control  - to address a variety of needs:
      • Master Key Systems - assign various levels of access to a user's key.
      • Keyed Different - access each door with a different key.
      • Keyed Alike - access multiple doors with a single key.
      • 3-in-1 Keying - instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key. Possible MOQ may apply
      • Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless.
      • FleX Control  - Mechanically control access by using special keys.
      • Modular Cylinder - gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily configure cylinder lengths according to customer needs.
    • Flexible and CLIQ Compatible - add convenient access control by integrating the electromechanical CLIQ® platform  to your MTL600 system.