MTL™800 (MT5®+)
Mul-T-Lock's MTL™800 platform is designed for premium protection, flexibility, and convenience with customers' needs in any industry in mind.
The patented platform combines protective elements to create a triple locking mechanism, superior key control, and extensive master-keying capabilities.
- Double alpha spring - A patented moving element on the key blade's tip engages with a unique pin at the rear of the cylinder, creating an additional shearling
- A unique locking bar mechanism forms a robust security layer
- Based on Mul-T-Lock's filed proven telescopic pinning
Meets high international standards to offer enhanced resistance to picks, drills, bumps, and other forms of lock manipulation.
- Fully backward compatible with the previous MT5®+
- Supports large and complex master key systems
- Enablable the creation of exclusive keyways
- Integrates with wide range of products
- Offer a variety of keying options
- The same key cutting machines, the same tooling and the same pinning kit.