9 results

  • MTL800 (MT5®+)

    Mul-T-Lock's MTL800 platform is designed for premium protection, flexibility, and convenience with customers' needs in any industry in mind.

    The patented platform combines protective elements to create a triple locking mechanism, superior key control, and extensive master-keying capabilities.

    • Double alpha spring - A patented moving element on the key blade's tip engages with a unique pin at the rear of the cylinder, creating an additional shearling
    • A unique locking bar mechanism forms a robust security layer
    • Based on Mul-T-Lock's filed proven telescopic pinning

    Meets high international standards to offer enhanced resistance to picks, drills, bumps, and other forms of lock manipulation.

    • Fully backward compatible with the previous MT5®+
    • Supports large and complex master key systems
    • Enablable the creation of exclusive keyways
    • Integrates with wide range of products
    • Offer a variety of keying options
    • The same key cutting machines, the same tooling and the same pinning kit.
  • MTL500 (MT5®)

    MTL500 patented mechanical platform integrates advanced technology for excellent protection and enhanced key copy control.
    Ideal for medium to large-sized business customers, this is a locking system that addresses their diverse needs

    • Provides a combination of protective elements to create a double locking mechanism
    • Based on Mul-T-Lock's field-proven patented technology

    Features & benefits

    • MTL500 supports large and complex master key systems, incorporating hierarchy and matrix requirements, even within the same suite.
    • Fully backward compatible with the previous MT5®
    • Keyed-alike and master keyable
    • Wide range of cylinder and padlock types and sizes to fit every application
    • Provides a variety of keying options
    • Quick and easy to pin and assemble, using the same key machine and pinning kits as Mul-T-Lock's previous patented platforms

    • 3-in-1 Keying - instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key. Possible MOQ may apply

    • Modular Cylinder - gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily configure cylinder lengths according to customer needs.

    • Flexible and CLIQ Compatible - add convenient access control by integrating the electromechanical CLIQ® platform to your MTL500 system.

    • Meets high international standards to offer enhanced resistance to different forms of cylinder attacks.

  • MTL200

    Medium security, high-quality mechanical product. First sawn key platform of Mul-T-Lock (Pat. Pend). Based on a special key profile, it comes with a durable, unique key.

    • 6 pining technology (also for 30mm cylinder side).
    • 6  chambers
    • 6 pins lengths
    • Brass body pins straight and spool for picking/bumping
    • Antibacterial, nickel silver, 2.5 mm thick metal key
    • Copies can be made using a standard key copy machine
    • Meet international standards
    • Easy installation

  • MTL600 (Interactive®+)

    Mul-T-Lock's MTL600 mechanical platform addresses High Security concerns while responding to functional needs.
    Building on four decades of extensive experience and MTL600 key platform's proven technology and global success, MTL600 utilizes patent technology for enhanced High Security.

    Available in all formats and product types, MTL600 key platform provides advanced High Security and protection with a single key that can fit into all products for real convenience.

    Using advanced technology, MTL600 combines an enhanced variation of the telescopic pin mechanism with a special patented floating element to meet the highest security standards.

    MTL600 Solution Benefits

    • Advanced Key Control - through unique coded Mul-T-Lock key card, only readable by authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.
    • Master Keying Options  - supporting complex operational and organizational needs.
    • Choice of Format - cylinders, padlocks, locks, electronic door solutions and more - one key fits them all.
    • Increased Security Effectiveness - via patented High Security technology: keys and telescopic pins.

    Advanced Key Control - through unique coded Mul-T-Lock key card, only readable by authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.

    MTL600 Solution Features

    • Comprehensive Key and Cylinder Control  - to address a variety of needs:
      • Master Key Systems - assign various levels of access to a user's key.
      • Keyed Different - access each door with a different key.
      • Keyed Alike - access multiple doors with a single key.
      • 3-in-1 Keying - instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key. Possible MOQ may apply
      • Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless.
      • FleX Control  - Mechanically control access by using special keys.
      • Modular Cylinder - gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily configure cylinder lengths according to customer needs.
    • Flexible and CLIQ Compatible - add convenient access control by integrating the electromechanical CLIQ® platform  to your MTL600 system.
  • Integrator®

    The Mul-T-Lock Integrator mechanical platform comes with a high-precision 7-pin tumbler mechanism, factory-ready and patented oval cut key blanks together with unique launcher pins.
    The Integrator's long-life patented pin enables a wide variety of keying options and a flexible master-keying solution for different locking products and environments.

    Integrator Solution Benefits

    Enhanced Tamper Resistance - through a combination of unique design elements. $0$0Master Keying Options  - supporting complex operational and organizational needs.
    Comprehensive and Cost Effective - can be combined with standard High Security systems to meet various security needs.
    Advanced Key Control - through unique coded Mul-T-Lock key card, only readable by authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.
    Choice of Format - cylinders, padlocks, locks and more - one key fits them all.

    Integrator Solution Features

    Flexible Keying Options - available via special cuts on Integrator keys including internal, external and twin cuts.
    Comprehensive Key and Cylinder Control -  to address a variety of needs:
    Master Key Systems - assign various levels of access to a user's key.
    Keyed Different - access each door with a different key.
    Keyed Alike - access multiple doors with a single key.
    3-in-1 Keying - instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key.
    Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless.
    Break Secure - deters intrusion attempts via a visible, enhanced snap-resistant cylinder.

  • Classic

    Mul-T-Lock's Classic High Security mechanical platform is designed with protective features making it resistant to intrusion attempts. Each Classic cylinder contains a special telescopic pin locking mechanism with internal and external pins.

    When enhanced High Security is necessary with features such as patented key control, we recommend choosing the MTL400, MTL600 or MTL800 platforms for your security needs

    Classic Solution Benefits

    • Enhanced Anti-Pick and Drill Resistance - via steel inserts and a three-dimensional shear line.
    • A coded key card provides convenient key duplicating through authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.
    • Choice of Format - cylinders, padlocks, locks and more - one key will fit them all.

    Classic Solution Features

    • Comprehensive Keying and Cylinder Options  - to address a variety of needs:
      • Keyed Different - Access each door with a different key.
      • Keyed Alike - Access multiple doors with a single key.
      • 3-in-1 Keying - Instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key.
      • Modular Cylinder - gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily configure cylinder lengths according to customer needs.
      • Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless.
      • Break Secure - deters intrusion attempts via a visible, enhanced snap-resistant cylinder 
    • Special Concave Plug Design - rotation will only happen with exact alignment providing extra protection.
  • MTL400 (ClassicPro)

    The Mul-T-Lock MTL400 offers best in class locking solution while delivering exceptional value. You can rely on Mul-T-Lock’s world-renowned experience and expertise to ensure your home, assets and family are safe and secure.

    Mul-T-Lock combines its advanced telescopic pining technology with a special patented cut to meet higher security standards for commercial properties and private homes.
    MTL400 provides enhanced security, reliable key copy protection, high-grade components, and improved capabilities at an affordable price.

    MTL400 Solution Benefits
    · Key copy control technology - Giving you another layer of protection, the MTL400 key card method requires authorized Mul-T-Lock locksmiths to present the unique magnetic card for additional keys
    · Higher resistance to break-ins, intrusions by bumping, drilling and picking
    · Peace of mind - Reinforces your need to protect against key duplication
    · Convenient - Easily identify keys with a wide range of key-head colors
    · Environmentally friendly

    MTL400 Solution Features
    · Comprehensive Key and Cylinder Options  - to address a variety of needs :
        o Master Key Systems - assign various levels of access to a user's key .
        o Keyed Different - access each door with a different key .
        o One Key House (Keyed Alike) - Users are able to upgrade their home security to a single key solution, enabling a 'One Key House'. This feature allows homeowners to open any access point – from mailbox to garage door and up to the front door – with a single key.
        o   3-in-1 Keying - instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key. Possible MOQ may apply
        o Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless .
        o FleX Control  - Mechanically control access by using special keys .
        o Modular Cylinder - MTL400 provides scalable and modular capabilities for a widerange of applications, such as buildings, assets and other commercial property. It gives you the flexibility to quickly and easily configure cylinder lengths according to customer needs .
    · Flexible and CLIQ Compatible - add convenient access control by integrating the electromechanical CLIQ® platform  to your Interactive system.

  • 7X7®

    When what you need is a basic and flexible security locking solution, Mul-T-Lock's 7x7 standard security mechanical platform is an ideal fit.

    With a pin tumbler mechanism, 7x7 is friendly and easy to use, giving you the level of protection you need at an affordable price. Mul-T-Lock's operational excellence and advanced quality assurance provides you and your customers with peace of mind.

    For mixed environments you have the ability to combine Integrator® patented platform with the 7X7 platform for dual level security. With dual level security, you'll be able to use the Integrator key and cylinder as a first line of defense on the external perimeter of doors and the 7x7 cylinders, which can be opened by Integrator keys, can be installed in internal doors and padlocks.

    When enhanced High Security is necessary throughout, with features such as patented key control, we recommend choosing the MTL600 or MTL800 platforms for your security needs.

    7x7 Solution Benefits

    • Reversible Nickel Silver Keys - makes keys convenient to use and functional from either side.
    • Limited Key Duplication - a uniquely coded key card provides convenient key duplicating with enhanced control through authorized Mul-T-Lock dealers.
    • Choice of Format - cylinders, padlocks, locks and more - one key will fit them all.

    7x7 Solution Features

    • Comprehensive Keying and Cylinder Options  - to address a variety of needs:
      • Keyed Different - Access each door with a different key.
      • Keyed Alike - Access multiple doors with a single key.
      • 3-in-1 Keying - Instantly change a lock's combination up to 2 times by simply turning a key.
      • Construction Keying - provides access to multiple doors with a common key, then instantly switches to unique combinations when necessary, rendering the common key useless.
      • Master Key Systems - assign various levels of access to a user's key.
      • Break Secure - deters intrusion attempts via a visible, enhanced snap-resistant cylinder.
      • Master Key Systems - maintain and assign various levels of access to existing system.
  • MTL300

    MTL300 is patented from day one, based on a unique telescopic pin implemented on the 7X7 platform. Six solid pins (7x7 pining system), one new telescopic pin. Offering peace of mind against different forms of cylinder attack.

    Patented until 2033, MTL300:

    • High security patented platform at an attractive price
    • High level of key copy control
    • Integrates with a wide product range
    • Master Key System (MKS) capabilities
    • Supported by “Masterpiece” software
    • Variety of keying options
    • Easy installation
    • Easy retrofitting
    • Enables to employ exclusive keying profiles
Showing 9 of 9