The Four Seasons Tianjin, is a 45-story hotel and residence tower with 259 rooms and suites, 143 branded residences, four restaurants and bars, and much more. It’s 700,000 square meters of luxury property. The newly constructed mixed-use building had a diverse range of locking and security needs that needed to be met with a convenient, High Security and high-quality solution, one befitting of the Four Seasons brand and service level standards. In addition, the hotel needed a complex master key system that would allow them to use any cylinder type.
The choice for Four Seasons was an easy one as it was the only one that could meet all the building’s need. Mul- T-Lock’s Master Key System (MKS) and Interactive+ High Security platform enables a complex master key solution that uniquely allows building operators to apply it to any cylinder type, which means the system integrates all access points – offices, store rooms, building amenities, residences, and hotel guest rooms for efficient and cost-effective access and key management.
“The Interactive + platform gives the hotel High Security protection, while the Mul-T-Lock MKS gives them complete flexibility and efficiency,” said Mr.Zhu GM, Beijing Jin Zhuanglang Technology Company. “Four Seasons was able to achieve its’ objectives without compromising on meeting their needs.”
The Four Seasons brand is associated with the highest quality; maintaining that brand promise is critical, especially when it comes to security. “Security, quality and efficiency were our main priorities when considering a locking platform” commented YiChao Ma, VP Tianjin Modern Group. “The Mul-T-Lock MKS / Interactive + solution answered those priorities, and allows us to apply the solution anywhere and with any cylinder type – that’s the kind of flexibility you need a 700,000 square meter building.”