Rialto Court offers contemporary student apartments for students at Durham University and Teesside University in Middleborough. When Mezzino took ownership of the property, each apartment was secured via a master key system, but with the annual turnover of tenants, together with the needs for scheduled cleaning and summer shut down periods, keys were becoming difficult to manage. They sought a more convenient access control solution for tenants and management company Mezzino, without compromising on security.
Co-Founder and Director James McGrath contacted Newark & Sherwood Locksmiths, their long standing locksmith partner,to recommend a high-quality access control solution that could simplify the security arrangements for all residents and solve these key management issues for Mezzino. Newark & Sherwood suggested SMARTair as a complete access control unit that could work from existing programming and be quickly fitted to each apartment to ensure instant security. With SMARTair, after the initial programming, cards or fobs can be easily added or removed at a central point when required. Time zones can also be set and an audit trail is available from the handle or user card to make sure personnel access to a guest room is monitored for extra security. These are just the kind of features a busy student apartment can benefit from. “I had no hesitation in suggesting SMARTair because of its adaptability to suit any accommodation. Its features make it a simple and intelligent way of upgrading the control ability and security level of any premises, whilst also solving key management issues, without compromising on aesthetics or style”, said Dale Bennett of Newark & Sherwood.
In this initial deployment, 74 apartments were fitted with SMARTair. “We are so pleased with the result we are already looking to adopt the access control system for the other student accommodation properties we manage nation wide”, said James McGrath.